Monday August 20th was just a normal day..
I woke up went on a walk and then had my 38 week appointment at 10:15 in the morning.
The doctor checked me and I was still dilated at a 2.. and 80% effaced.
I had been getting these really frequent sharp pains that wouldn't go away.
( I got them for most of my 3rd trimester but they were getting more and more frequent )
and he was more than ready to pop out at any minute.
However, I hadn't had many ( or any ) contractions.
I could feel my tummy tighten often but I guess I was just waiting to feel really painful? HA
I went to the grocery store after my appointment and stocked up on groceries..
I was in the cracker isle and all of the sudden got a sharp cramp in my lower abdomen.
The cramping began to come more frequently and I called my mom because something felt different.
I got home, put the groceries away, made sure my hospital bag was all packed in case something were to happen and then did exactly what the doctor had said.
You will think I am absolutely crazy but I walked a total of 10.5 miles that day.
(I'm convinced that's what made my water break that night haha)
Not 10.5 miles all at once!!
I would go on a 3 mile walk, then come home, then go back out again and etc.
It helped with the sharp pains of him sitting so low, and it kept my mind off everything.
Aaron got home from school and we made dinner,
I ate 3 dinners... literally. I was so hungry.
(And now I'm so grateful I did because little did I know I wasn't going to eat for another 30 hours)
We went on a walk together after dinner (contributing to the 10 miles ha) and then
I took a long bath, got ready for bed and was asleep by 10.
I was awaken at 2:30 in the morning by a gush of water.
( Let me just say that the last thing I assumed would put me into labor would be for my water break )
I knew it wasn't very common for girl's water to break before getting to the hospital.
I woke Aaron up, and he was in denial as well haha.
So we laid there a little longer ..... and GUSH again.
Water everywhere.
I jumped out of bed and water was literally coming out like a fountain.
Aaron finally realized this wasn't normal HA and he called my parents at 2:30 in the morning Utah time.
With my fountain of water coming out, I jumped in the shower,
Aaron jumped up and started packing his bag, and helping me get all my last minute things.
As we were both running around trying to get everything ready,
all of the sudden Aaron stopped me and grabbed my hand..
After two years of life together, it was time to bring a little one into our family.. and we both knew it.
He looked at me, and we both had tears in our eyes.
It was one of those moments that I will never forget.
He grabbed me and held me tight, and whispered in my ear..
"this is it, you can do this....
I love you."
We checked in to the hospital at 5:10 AM and I went to the front desk.
"Um, I think my water broke.."
Nurse: "You think??"
"Um, yes... Ha I'm pretty sure."
They immediately checked my into my room and got me all hooked up to the IV's.
I was dilated to a 3 and the nurse kept telling me
I was having regular contractions about 3 to 5 minutes apart.
I still didn't really feel them- (weird??)
At 8 AM my doctor arrived and put me on Pitocin to make my contractions stronger.
The nurse kept coming in to check on me to see if I was "in pain" yet..
Still no pain but I was starting to feel uncomfortable and feel pressure.
It took me about 5 hours to dilate from a 3 to a 5.
It felt like an eternity.
My mom is amazing and took the first flight out of Salt Lake City, UT to Houston and arrived around lunch time.
I was relieved to see her!
My in - laws were there... And the waiting began.
By Tuesday afternoon I was at a 6 and contractions were coming strong.
I was trying to be strong and hold back tears,
and the pressure was getting worse.
They put my epidural in at about 3 in the afternoon.
Modern medicine is incredible.
I was able to feel my whole body except for my tummy.
My body was able to relax for a little bit,
I even took a little nap.
By about 5 PM I was dilated to a 7.
By 6:45 PM I was dilated to a 9..
The nurse told me she would come back in about an hour and that I should be ready to push by then.
But the pressure was getting worse.
We immediately called the nurse back in at 7:15 and she realized that I was at a 9.5 and told me it was about time to push.
I was relieved it was finally here.
Aaron held my hand tight and talked me through the whole thing.
After about 45 minutes of pushing, out came our beautiful baby boy.
August 21st 8:14 PM
Daddy got to cut the cord.
We were completely overcome with emotion.
Our little piece of heaven was so perfect.
I couldn't believe he was OURS.
I kept telling Aaron "This is our baby, he's my baby!"
In that moment, everything felt so right, I immediately knew him, and he knew our voices.
I have never felt so close to heaven.
The miracle of life is truly the most incredible thing in the world.
There we sat, our first time as a family of 3.
I am so smitten.
I can't believe I get to be his mommy.
He completely stole our hearts the first time he opened his big eyes.
He's our little angel and our world.
We love you so much little one.