Totally feeling the spirt of Christmas today and had to "Flashback Friday" to Ryan's first Christmas.
Seriously, do Santa's get any better than this?
He kills me.
Who even knew you could get a Santa belt buckle!?
And his pom pom on his hat is the size of Ryan's face.
This picture is priceless.
We are totally the couple that "waits until after Thanksgiving to put up our tree"
mostly because of my husband.
(I have secretly listened to Justin Beiber's Christmas Album on my i-pod while running for about 2 weeks- NBD)
However this year I insisted we put it up this weekend with Thanksgiving being so late and us leaving out of town in a few days.
(I wanted to enjoy the tree for longer than a few weeks!!!)
We finished decorating late last night while the babe was sleeping.
So this morning I had Aaron go turn on the tree and get it all ready for when Ryan woke up.
I seriously felt like it was Christmas morning.
I got the baby out of bed in his Christmas Jammies,
and we took him down the stairs.
You should have seen his face.
He kept looking at me like he didn't know what to do he was so excited.
In that moment it was magic.
That is what the spirit of Christmas is all about.
I don't think he has stopped staring at the tree all day.
I'm in heaven just seeing his excitement.
Thanksgiving is just around the corner.
One of my very favorite holidays.
(and my birthday just happens to fall on Thanksgiving this year-
don't worry the last time this happened was when I was 12.
My parents put candles in the Turkey- Awesome.)
What is better than a lot of food and people you love!? All mixed together in one day of gratitude.
The average American consumes more than 4,500 calories and 229 grams of fat on Thanksgiving Day.
That's a lot of food people and A LOT of chubbiness in one day.
A couple tips.
#1. Workout Thanksgiving morning.
I know it's a Holiday, but trust me, it will SAVE your poor tummy from going into food coma.We ALWAYS start Thanksgiving morning with a nice and early run and then come back and cook and cook and cook and eat.
(sign up for a turkey trot! Those are SO fun!)
It makes you not feel so guilty for the couple pieces of pie and multiple rolls you will consume.
#2. Don't overdo the ONE meal.
The mistake ALL Americans make is eating ONE 4,500 calorie meal at one sitting.
If you are going to eat 4,500 calories, it is a lot better for your body to spread it out throughout the day rather than shrink your stomach and then blow it up at one meal.
That is just asking your body to gain a few pounds in one day.
Eat breakfast, a little snack, and then your Thanksgiving feast, but don't stuff yourself!
If I recall, there is about 20 pounds of leftover food so heat some up and have it a little later in the day.
That all being said Thanksgiving should be ENJOYED!!
It's the one day in the year the day is DEDICATED for food.
Enjoy that pie and rolls.
Just burn a few hundred calories in the morning and your body will be able to recover the next day.:)
You really should all come to Texas one day and meet them and their darling southern accents
You would fall in love with them too I guarantee it.
As an early birthday present to me, the hubs and I get to enjoy our first night without the baby!
We have a little expense paid getaway tonight to a HOTEL, with shopping, and eating, and Hunger Games.
It doesn't get any better than that.
As much as I will miss waking up to my sweet baby,
(Longest I have every been away from him and it won't even be a whole day!) (( just a little attached))
(Longest I have every been away from him and it won't even be a whole day!) (( just a little attached))
Pinch me.
I'm going to be in heaven.
(A huge THANK YOU to my second parents!)
Have the best weekend ever and Happy Friday!