Shout out to this guy.
Law School does this really 'awesome' thing. (ok, it's really not awesome at all)
0 assignments all semester long so your whole grade depends on ONE final test.
Talk about stress to the max.
I would die (and pull all of my hair out) hence why I'm not the one in Law School.
We are currently in the "stress to the max" part, and ready to be out. :)
I'm so proud of him.
One more week of this craziness.
We did "kind of" celebrate him being done with actual classes
with a date and borrowing his mom's car for a "cruise".
We have a favorite neighborhood to cruise through.
Just because we love looking at dream homes ha.
Who doesn't?
And nothing beats a beautiful sunset.
So while Aaron studies his life away,
Ryan and I keep busy.
May arrived and we are really happy about it.
Always a leaf (or rock) and truck in hand.
Ryan found a new happy place that just beats the swings happiness by a mile.
First year of splash pads and we are both in heaven.

We survive 88 degrees by living in a swimsuit.
Lets be honest, life is just happier in a swimsuit with a tan.
Occasionally Dad takes a break for bubble blowing.
Ryan is at the "I want to do everything dad does" stage.
Worlds Best buddies and it melts me.
We spend lots of time socializing with the ducks.
Ryan thinks he is superbaby.
He thinks he can jump in the lake and swim with the ducks and it almost gives me a heart attack.
Who is this child?
Never a dull moment.
We spend a good 30 minutes a day flyin planes.
He is obsessed.
Baby buddies are the cutest.
I told my husband we need to share a plate of goldfish for our next movie date.
Anyways, good thing I have this one to keep me occupied.
Pretty grateful for this love bug.
Ryan is excited to wish you a happy weekend.
Oh do we love them!