Christmas 2015

We spent Christmas this year with Aaron's wonderful parents.
We actually stayed at their house for almost a week ( they live about 40 minutes away from us :) and it was so much fun.
We are game fanatics and got hooked on "Cover your Assets" this time around.
( Have you ever played it!? some good friends of ours introduced it to us awhile back and Aaron and I finally bought it on Amazon - we love it! )
We stayed up WAYYY past our bedtimes playing game after game after game and laughing so hard we were crying.
You get Aaron and his dad going on jokes late at night and it's almost impossible not to cry of laughter HA.
Family time is the best time.

Okayy guys THREE is the magic age. Seriously!
I remember last year when Ryan was 2 and thinking "at what age do they really grasp the whole concept of the season?" --- Found my answer this year - age 3!
Ryan got SO into everything! It was a dream watching the Christmas magic through his eyes!
( Side note that I LOVE Christmas decor. Can we just decorate like this year round!? )

Christmas Eve we watched "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" - The animated version ( which Ryan absolutely LOVED! ),
we read the Nativity story - Aaron and I did our best to act it out for Ryan haha
and of course, we opened one present....
we read the Nativity story - Aaron and I did our best to act it out for Ryan haha
and of course, we opened one present....
Ryan got double duty and opened his gifts along with Luke's few presents.
Enjoy it while it lasts buddy! One day Luke won't be so willing to let you open all his gifts ;)

They opened the cutest jammies ever and I'm slightly obsessed with them.
And the stockings were hung by the chimney with care..

As we were putting Ryan to bed Christmas Eve he told us that he was "sure he heard Rudolph on the roof!"
Followed by the phrase "I'm just so excited I can't sleep mommy!"
Growing up I dreamed about what holidays would be like with my own kids, and gosh it's even better than I expected it to be.
Aaron and I were in heaven overload.

We woke up Christmas morning to cookie crumbles and one pretty exciting toy ^^
( that Aaron and his dad were up way past midnight Christmas Eve trying to put together! HA Oh the memories that will live on from that experience :)

The favorite stocking stuffer thus far.
A pooping reindeer. Ryan laughed so hard.

Little Luke on his first Christmas.
AHH i love him so.

My mother-in-law is the BOW QUEEN and the one who taught me how to do my bows! Every single package she wraps WILL have a bow with a coordinating tag and it will be perfectly wrapped. She's pretty incredible.

All Ryan asked Santa for was a Blue Shark ( ^^ ) and a Rudolph fan ( One of those "candy fans" that he saw in Hobby Lobby while we were in there buying wrapping paper HA )
So needless to say he was pretty excited that Santa did not forget his Shark ( nor his Rudolph fan )

Lucky enough to have our sweet "papaw" with us on Christmas whose sweet wife passed away a week before :( Grateful for the knowledge that families are forever!

Christmas morning breakfast tradition that my mother-in-law makes ^^ MMMMMM
And a turkey dinner Christmas evening - my favorite.
We were getting pictures and videos Christmas morning from my family in Utah waking up to a winter wonderland, so naturally we had to show them what our outside looked like.
Now granted, Houston did set record high temperatures for this time of year but still... this is what an 80 degree Christmas looks like :)
Anddd for our "fake fireplace" ^^ because it was too warm to turn on the real one!
( Hallmark Channel for the win!! )
The most magical Christmas yet! Thanks to my in-laws for such a wonderful week, and most importantly - so grateful for the reason of the season!
We have had a crazy month and a half ( So I know this post is WAYY overdue! - It's catch up time!)
But goodness, holidays just keep getting better and better.
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Karina Marie Powell

Hello!! We are the Powell family - Aaron, Karina, Ryan, and Luke; but let's be honest, you will mostly just hear from me. We are lovers of all things fitness, traveling, and thin crust pizza. You can read more about us here.
Looks like a beautiful time!! Those pictures are precious!! What a special holiday! I hope that you are having a wonderful start to the new year!
ReplyDeleteBlessings, Rebecca :)
A beautiful holiday celebration with family, there isn't anything else I would rather be doing at that moment. Thank you for sharing your family and your precious family time with your blog followers.
ReplyDeleteThat tree is beautiful and those matching pjs are adorable! Are those homemade crescent rolls? If so, I would love to see the recipe.