The age that keeps me on the edge of my seat.

Mr. Ry is in the thick of age THREE.
He definitely gives me a run for my money! 
All of the sudden Luke is the sweetest little angel and Ryan.... well, he can be quite the little troublemaker!
He is in the wonderful stage of life where he likes to experiment pushing my buttons and see how much he can get away with ;)
The word "no" has slowly inched its way into his vocabulary and "time outs" seem to be coming more and more frequent..

That all being said, he has the sweetest little heart.
He's the best helper to me with his baby brother and loves Luke to death ( and sometimes gets carried away showing it :)

The days he makes me work on my patience skills, Aaron reminds me that he was once as sweet as baby Luke :) HA

Ryan is convinced that when Luke naps, every shark and whale and dolphin that lives in the Powell home needs a nap.
So he lines them up single file.

Yes, I'm aware that his collection is getting slightly excessive.
But they all have a name and are played with or slept with daily.
I keep thinking "this shark obsession is a phase, it will probably pass over soon."
NOPE. Here we are today, housing 25 stuffed ocean creatures ( OKAY not really 25, but it feels like it! ) and not to mention all the toy sharks and sea creatures he owns, the obsession is going nowhere any time soon.

Best buddies in the making.
So grateful they have each other.

Baby Lukey is 6 months old.
He just had his first haircut, has the cutest little giggle and the rolliest little legs.
Ryan was always so boney - so I'm loving this stage of Luke!
I'm sure once he starts crawling around the chunk won't last long so I'm kissing off every roll all day, every day.

He is the happiest baby ever until you try and put him to sleep.
If it were up to him he would be up 24/7 ...
Which makes for fun nights.... HA
He even had pneumonia when this picture was taken ^^  and that clearly didn't stop him from smiling.

Aaron attempting to work from home one Saturday..
The baby feet should clue you in as to how much was accomplished.
And I wonder why he can't work from home more often... HA

Sweet baby Luke on his first day of Spring.

Full hands, full heart ^^

Dress // Sold out but similar -- HERE ( I love that it's nursing friendly! )
Ryan's outfit // VEST - Sold out but similar HERE
Bowtie - HERE

Two peas in a pod...
Not to leave out Spot ( our fake dog ) of course.

Speaking of Spot..
I'm in trouble you guys.
Spot is no longer fulfilling Ryan's need for a dog.
The fake dog only lasted so long... ( 3.5 years ) I knew this day was coming!
We have a pet store in our mall that allows you to hold and play with any puppy.
You need seriously thick skin for this joint!
I didn't even grow up with dogs and I was having a hard time saying no to this little pup!
So no, poor Ryan, we are not getting a dog, ( I'm sadly a little harder to convince than that HA ) but you do have to second guess yourself watching him hold a puppy.
My heart was exploding!

Cutest couch potato I ever did see.
( Watching general conference last weekend )
Look at those little crossed legs!

And that baby lotion will go on him until he is at least 5 years old.
I can smell the sweetest just looking at this picture!

ANNNDDD Luke's double chin for the win!!

Karina Marie Powell


  1. ahh they are SO darling!! & i am TOTALLLYYY with you on this 3 stage of life. seriously - by the end of the day i need a candy bar & bubble bath haha i'm so glad i'm not alone in this boat!!

  2. Oh momma, I feel you on this age!! My sleep deprivation makes it THAT much easier for Mia to push my buttons... the worst part for me is since having James, I am reminding myself daily that Mia was once as sweet and innocent as James (ha!!) just like Aaron says! But it breaks my heart watching that innocence slip away as Mia grows, is around older/other kids and tests the limits. This weeks test is the word "stupid" GAH! She finally learned that word and has tested it on me, Eric and even James (which means she clearly doesn't understand the word because she loves James more than anyone!) It is so heartbreaking hearing that word come out of her mouth, and she is so confused when I explain that it's a words that causes hurt feelings and sadness, when she thinks it's cool because of who she learned it from :( Being a parent is rough sometimes!
    I just love your boys so much! I wish we could have play dates!

  3. Oh my sweet friend - they are beyond adorable!! but all because I don't have to deal with the three year old patience testing and sleepless nights... I cannot believe how they look so alike, it is crazy!! The three's were our hardest with SJ too and now four seems to more mature and easier... Dare I say it!! Missing you angel friend x
