7.6 months of motherhood.

You know your a mom when you find yourself humming "Wheels on the bus" while you are cleaning.
My purse has become the diaper bag.
I now find more joy in shopping at 'Janie and Jack' than shopping for myself.
ANNDD I care more about how my baby looks leaving the house than what I look like.

I was at the grocery store today walking down the cereal isle (what else is new)
Ryan was giggling, I was playing peek-a-boo with him.
And all of the sudden it hit me!
I realized I wasn't stressed! I was so comfortable.
I wasn't stressed about getting back in time for his feeding,
or worried that he was going to scream in the store,
or have a blowout.
It all just felt natural.
I actually took my time and enjoyed it!
Hundreds of diapers, feedings and kisses later-
It only took 7.6 months to feel this way.
(proud moment in my life)

I had always heard the phrase,
"you will never understand a mother's love for her child until you experience it".
I can tell you that this is a million and 2 percent true.

I would do anything ANYTHING for this little boy. 

"You'll be his first kiss,
his first love,
his first friend.
You are his momma
and he is your whole world.

He is your little boy."

There is nothing more rewarding.
Couldn't ask for a better calling in life.

Karina Marie Powell


  1. I randomly came across your blog recently and I wanted to let you know I think it's simply adorable! Your son is so precious and you are beautiful! I am excited to start following :)

  2. what a BEAUTIFUL picture of you two! This post just makes my mommy heart swell. I love that last little poem.

  3. Lovely post, and very well said. I remember that awful anxiety I had the first time I went to the store with my two kids after my secom was born. Now its just normal :) motherhood is a precious gift!

  4. beautiful photo and post! love reading your blog! :)

  5. Love this post. You are both beautiful!

  6. this brought tears to my eyes. thank God for little boys :)
