Baby's first Disney Cruise Part 2: Baby touches his first stingray.

 Pretty sure I kissed the stingray.
Apparently it means 7 years of good luck. ha we will see if it was worth it.

We arrived in Grand Cayman and packed all 65 family members on a boat.
 We swam with stingrays and snorkeled in the most gorgeous clear water ever.
Ryan touched his first stingray and even tried putting it in his mouth.
It was a sight to see!
So beautiful.

Karina Marie Powell


  1. how fun!

    love your swimsuit!

  2. eeeeeeee! <<--to the sting ray! i don't know if i could kiss it :) but that's awesome you did! haha, awe i love seeing the two babes hangin out together.

  3. I canNOT believe your entire family all went on a cruise...that is SO fun! Y'all are so adorable together...and that little Ryan is somethin' else.

  4. Girl you are beautiful. Your swimsuit is so cute.


  5. SO fun- where did you find your adorable red swimsuit?

  6. haha, i love the title! I mean, you have normal things like "baby's first time rolling over" and "baby's first steps" and THEN you have baby's first time touching a stingray. lol, I still need to have my first time touching a stingray! :) This cruise looks like so much fun!
