Make your own Fall Wreath

My beautiful dear friend Chelsea and I decided to get crafty one day.

Gosh, we have been dreaming of fall over here in this 95 degree weather!

We had seen a bunch of fall wreaths floating around Pinterest and we decided to try one of our own!

You guys! 
You can totally do this. 
Super simple and WAY cheaper than buying your own at the store.

Step 1:  Get your supplies.
Burlap, wire ring, flowers, pumpkins, whatever else your little heart desires!
We found ours at JoAnns.

Step 2: Tie a knot to the 2nd inner wire.

Step 3: On the next wire in make a loop with the tail of your burlap.

Step 4: Take the tail of your burlap and loop in through the loop you just made.

Step 5:  Keep doing that about a million times all around your wire wreath.

            Tip: Make your loops on a different wire each time.

Step 6: To finish off your wreath tie another knot at the end.

Step 7: Adjust your loops so there are no bald spots.

Step 8: Add any flowers or fall embellishment you’d like using hot glue gun.

            Disclaimer: Sometimes the loops will not want to cooperate; you’ll just have to coax them to do what you want.  J

Also: you can make the loops as big and loose or as tight as you want them!

Happy crafting ladies!!

Speaking of fall...I'm currently in Utah with my family and in heaven with this weather!
The trees are changing and the mountains are beyond beautiful.
I LOVE this time of year!

Karina Marie Powell


  1. That is SERIOUSLY so cute!! Good job!!

  2. Looks fantastic!! I absolute love that!

  3. Hey! I am the security guard that talked to you at the game!!! :) haha I feel like I've met a famous person.

  4. um, WAY cute!! I need to do this asap.

  5. That is way cute! If I have time and energy after having this boy I will definitely try it!! If you happen to be close to Provo let me know, could definitely use a playmate for Alex since I can barely walk now haha

  6. ok that is so pretty. I'm fairly certain mine would not look that good if i attempted this. it looks like you spent $50 on it from a store! very nice :)

  7. Super cute! I feel like I have lost my crafty touch.

  8. Oh my gosh... these are so gorgeous and look like they would be so difficult, but you're right! I can TOTALLY do this! How stinking CUTE! Wish we could get crafty together!!

  9. Love how it turned out! I want to make one now :)
