The day before, the night before Christmas

We have had quite the "Santa's little workshop" going on today.
With last minute grocery store runs, wrapping central, and baking galore,
I think we have prepped for Christmas Eve.

( we did stay away from the mall, we tried that mall thing yesterday and it was outrageous - moral of the story - DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EARLY )

Ryan is on the countdown and is almost to counting "HOURS" until Santa comes.
He's going to freak out on Christmas morning.
We are all so excited to see his reaction!
Oh the happiness a little 2 year old can bring!

It's snowing and it's so stunning outside.

The weather man guaranteed us a White Christmas last night so we are pretty happy about it.

This is out our back windows.
It makes you want to throw on slippers and drink hot chocolate cozied up by the fire.
I love it so much.

Obvious last minute grocery store necessities today.
What would we do without Peppermint Ice cream.
They didn't have 1/2 the fat Peppermint Ice Cream - so we had to buy the real thing... Bummer ;)

Christmas Baking galore.
It's so dangerous!

( These oreo cookies are to die for.. )

Wrapping Central.

Fun Fact : My husband made this bow.
His mom is the bow queen so she taught him well.
His wrapping skills never cease to impress me HA

My little bow helper this morning
I was put in charge of making bows today...
I like that job.

Gosh, Christmas EVE we are SO ready for you!

And through the hustle and bustle -
the gifts,
the treats,
and "Santa Claus" ....

May we all remember the TRUE meaning of Christmas...

Merry Christmas EVERYONE! I truly hope you have the most wonderful Christmas EVE and Christmas Day!

P.S. Ryan is set to be the "sheep" in our family nativity tomorrow and I'm pretty excited about it.

Karina Marie Powell

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