Day 2 - To the North Pole

For Ryan's 2nd day of Christmas we talked ALL things Santa.
It's the cutest watching him take it all in.

Ryan thinks Santa is the coolest dude ever,
and he can't stop saying "ruuudofff".

We wrote one good Santa letter. 
I asked him what he wanted from Santa and he told me he wanted 


a big truck,


and a dullbozer. ( bulldozer )

HA - quite the list buddy.

Ryan completed it with his hand prints and decking the whole thing out in markers.

I told him it was time to get ready and go send it off.

He was so excited.
He kept saying "Mamma, North Pole."
And I would say YES.

Ryan studied this letter all morning while getting stamps and heading to the mall.
"ho, ho, ho" he said again and again.

It was so sweet and innocent,
the whole thing melted my heart!

We chose to take his letter to MACY's at the mall to send it off.
For every stamped Santa letter they receive, they donate $1 to "Make A Wish".
I LOVED this idea so much I had to drive him there so he could do it.

He was a little sad when the Santa letter was gone into the mailbox,
( the anticipation to this moment was so exciting for him )
so after he dropped the letter in, he started to cry asking if he could do it "again".

I explained to him that dropping the letter off gave a little money to children in need.
Although he doesn't understand completely, he was pretty proud of the whole process.

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!
Ours was filled with really good food, Santa's lap, and a couple Christmas movies - THE BEST.
( more to come later )

P.S. Last couple days to enter the Christmas Cash Giveaway!

Karina Marie Powell


  1. Oh my gosh, so stinking sweet!! I wish Mia understood a little better so that we could do this! Next year! Next year we will totally be writing a letter to Santa! Can't wait!

  2. Precious!!! So sweet & exciting! :)

  3. This is the *cutest* thing! I didn't know Macy's did that- do they do that every year?

  4. Reading all of your posts about the things you and Ryan do together makes me so excited to have little ones of my own! You have the cutest family ever!


  5. this is heart melting!! Rae is still too young to understand much, but I love watching her light up with all the decorations and such!

  6. So stinkin' cute that kid of yours. The pictures are perfection!

  7. The cutest idea for such a precious little man x

  8. I love this whole 12 days of christmas thing for him! so adorable! and how CUTE is he?!
