5 Secrets for Photographing your Toddler by Alexa Zurcher

I am over the moon excited for the sponsor post of mine today!
Alexa is a dear friend to me and I love her sweet little family.
She blogs over at "He and I" and she is incredibly talented.
I am always loving photography tips so here you go!

5 Secrets for Photographing your Toddler

Hello! I’m so excited to be here today! I’m Alexa, blogger, designer, wife, and mom to an active, adorable, constantly on the go, two year old. Have you ever tried to take pictures of a two year old? It can be…exhausting! Let’s face it, toddlers rarely (if ever!) sit still and don’t always love having a big camera in front of their face. Who can blame them? Regardless, I feel the need to take a million pictures of my daughter, and I’ve learned a few tricks along the way. Here’s five secrets to remember for photographing your toddler. (And none of them include bribery! Though, that works too ;)

How to take photos of your toddlerHow to take photos of your toddler

Always Have Your Camera Handy : Whether you have an iPhone, a point and shoot, or a big DSLR, keep it nearby! It’s really hard to capture that split second, picture perfect moment when your camera is tucked away in your bag…all the way upstairs. Or better yet, when the battery isn’t even charged. :)

How to take photos of your toddlerHow to take photos of your toddler

Let Them Play : Toddlers are wiggly and active, so one of the best ways to get natural, candid shots is to just let them play! Let them run and jump and dig and swing and twirl. You’re not only getting a great photo, but also capturing their personality. Bring your camera on your next adventure and let them run wild!

How to take photos of your toddlerHow to take photos of your toddler

Try Different Angles : For awhile, I noticed that all my photos were the same. I was so set on getting a good, smiling picture of my daughter's face, that I forgot to move around. My photos were starting to look….boring! To avoid making the same mistake I did, remember to move around. Try crouching down to your toddler’s level for a few photos, then standing on your tip-toes and have them look up at you.

How to take photos of your toddlerHow to take photos of your toddler

Capture the Details : Don’t forget to photograph those little things that you love about your toddler. Perhaps it’s her long eyelashes and tiny toes, or his favorite, worn out shoes. All those tiny details are worth remembering. And though it may take a little practice, try to photograph the messes too. These make hilarious photos to look back at, but require a bit of patience in the moment. :)

How to take photos of your toddler

Get in the Photo, too!  Sometimes, it’s hard to get us mom’s in the photo too! I frequently would use the excuse that because there was no one home during the day, I could never get photos of me and my little one together. (I probably used the excuse simply because I was still in my sweats…from a few days ago :) Don’t get caught using the same excuses! There are plenty of ways to get in the photo, even if you don’t have anyone at home to play photographer. Invest in a remote for your camera and a tripod. Don’t want to spend any extra money? The self timer on your camera is free! It takes some practice to get the hang of it, but it’s totally worth it. Your kids want to see their mom in their photos,
 Thanks Alexa!
Side note...

 I'm slightly convinced that her little girl and Ryan are soulmates.
Here's to crossing our fingers our set up works one day!
Happy Friday! XO

Karina Marie Powell


  1. Your pictures are gorgeous so I'm trusting your tips, thanks for sharing them!

  2. These photos are fabulous!! Thanks for sharing your tips!

  3. P.S. What lens are these taken with? I love all the natural light!

    1. Thank you! I either use my 50 mm f/1.8 lens or 28-70 mm f/2.8 lens :)

  4. Wonderful tips! Thank you for posting :)

  5. Love Alexa and her blog!! :) Thanks for sharing these!!
    :) Rebecca
    p.s.- OH MY WORD y'alls children together... adorable! :)
